I have recently moved all my websites to another VPS hosting. The previous dedicated server was too expensive to me to continue as I didn't earn much from the websites' income. The previous hosting was USD$119 per month and the one at DigitalOcean is only USD$10 per month. I'm having good experience with DigitalOcean hosting. To deploy a VPS (they call it droplet) is blazing … [Read more...]
Pureen Warehouse Sales & Stock Clearance
Went to this Pureen Warehouse Sales this afternoon and there was a lot of people. The shirts here are cheap and a lot of mummies were buying a lot shirts like no tomorrow. The shirts price range from RM3 to RM12 and the quality is good too. You can use credit card to pay if you purchase more than RM150. So make sure you bring enough cash! :) The warehouse is on 24th to 25th … [Read more...]
New Chapter In Life
Here begin the new chapter in my life. I become a father. My wife gave birth a baby girl around three months ago. Welcome to the world, my little princess. It is a new chapter for you too :) A lot of new thing need to learn. Papa will work more hard to earn more money so that can give you and mama a better life :) … [Read more...]
e-Filing And Tax Relief for Resident Individual 2012
It's the time for e-Filing. Have you filed your income and tax return for this year? It's important to report your income to the government as most of the bank will refer to your income tax statement to approve your loan application. The deadline for tax return form submission and balance of tax payment for non-business income is on 15 May 2013. Make your you submit the form … [Read more...]
Malaysian 13th General Election Is Coming
Malaysian 13 general election is coming soon. The Election Commission (EC) has announced that the 13th general election will take place on 5th May 2013 and the nomination of candidates will be held at 20th April 2013. The campaign will takes 15 days - the longest in over the past 30years +. Will this election be still the dirties election ever? Though some parties have tried … [Read more...]