Just checked my site at google, my site was listed in google search engine. Without submitting my url to google ordinary's website submission, my site was listed within one day (more specifically less than 8 hours). … [Read more...]
Google Sitemaps by dirkz, a great plugin for wordpress
I have just installed a sitemap generator script for wordpress at my blog. It can dynamically generate a simple sitemap for all your posts, Google Sitemaps in xml format and Google Sitemaps in gz format. … [Read more...]
Hello world!
Hello World! Finally I have setup my blog using my name as the domain name. Luckily szehau.com is still available. Why my first post was named "Hello World"? This is the default post after WordPress was installed. I decided to keep this title as the first post. Still remember in most of the programming language's tutorials, the first chapter always teach the reader to write a … [Read more...]