Just installed a new theme for my personal blog: squible. It looks pretty nice and fresh. The theme comes with a few of builtin plugin and ajax comments as well. I still haven't made use of the flickr plugin because I don't have a flickr account yet and I was thinking intergrate 3rd parties photo gallery into my blog using this theme. Ya ... I want to upload all my photos … [Read more...]
First Cheque From Shareasale.com
I just received first cheque from Shareasale.com. Shareasale.com is a place where merchants boost thier sales and affiliates earn money from the commission of sales. I joined this program as an affiliate since mid of 2004 and today I received my first cheque from Shareasale.com. The value of cheque is only USD50.47. … [Read more...]
Snow Wolf Lake in Malaysia
Just read a news at TheStar newspaper this morning. It stated that Snow Wolf Lake will be staged in Malaysia on 25th and 26th November. … [Read more...]
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Tomorrow is Malaysia's indepence day, 31th August 1957. Happy Birthday Malaysia! … [Read more...]
Surf for money
There are many methods which can let you making money online. As a web publisher you can earn money by having advertisemnts on your websites or selling affiliate products from your websites. For ordinary internet surfers, there are many programs that you can join and earn money from it. The programs are such as thos "get paid to surf", "get paid to read email", "high … [Read more...]