1)從前有個麵包,佢行街行到好肚餓,於是佢就食左自己..哈哈哈哈 2)從前有粒軟糖,佢行街行到好攰咼,跟住佢就話-我對腳好軟喇..哈哈哈哈 3)從前有兩舊年糕,佢地痴得好實,一直都想分開對方,有一日終於有人將佢地切開左,於是佢地好開心好興奮give me five"啪"一聲,佢地就痴番埋喇..哈哈哈哈 4)從前有一支火柴,佢覺得個頭好痕,於是佢就R頭,跟住就著左火喇..哈哈哈哈 5)支火柴著左火,送左入醫院,醫生幫佢包紮,包完之後佢就變左棉花棒喇..哈哈哈哈 6)從前有個傻仔傻女睇完呢個message之後會覺得好無聊…但係自己又係度笑,於是佢決定send畀朋友,只求搏取佢一笑. … [Read more...]
Creative Chinese SMS
相此 心二什么? 我? 京尤矢口 道你 人相今 云心心我 口合口合! 女子王元口巴! 看不懂的话把手机拉远点看 :-) 年度最具创意短信! … [Read more...]
Joke: 小学造句
Received this joke from my brother: 小学造句 … [Read more...]
Maxis’ Advertisement and Twitter’s Advertisement
Recently I saw a few advertisements created by a local telecommunication company, Maxis on TV and cinema. advertisements are fun and creative. … [Read more...]
Maybank2u’s TAC request service is really bad
I tried to transfer some money from Maybank2u to my stock account but failed at requesting the TAC number yesterday afternoon. I made 5 TAC requests (each after 20 minutes of the previous request) and only 2 TAC numbers were sent to my mobile phone. The first TAC number will become invalid when you have made a second request. The corresponding TAC number is only for th … [Read more...]