I have just noticed that marapets.com has bought a direct link at my blog via Text Link Ads service. Thanks marapets.com! So what is marapet.com about? Here are the introduction from marapets.com website: … [Read more...]
Picasa PC version and Picasa Web Albums
Just installed Picasa PC version and registered Picasa Web Albums. I found that it is quite convenience and easy to upload photo from Picasa (installed in PC) to the Picasa Web Albums. It is just a few clicks away then your photos are up to the web. … [Read more...]
iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme
Apple's iPhone is really hot recently. Every one is talking about it. In order to view a website in such a small phone could be difficult, your will need to scroll up and down; left and right in order to read all the content. ContentRobot.com has created a plugin for WordPress so that when someone browse a wordpress blog using iPhone, wordpress will be able to detect the … [Read more...]
Canon EOS 400D vs Nikon D40X
I was thinking to buy a entry level DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex) camera a years ago. Now is the time to get one. After I had reviewed several DSLR cameras at several websites and forums, I have shortlisted two good and affordable one. They are the Canon EOS 400D and Nikon D40X. … [Read more...]
Love Malaysia & Win Contest!
Join "Love Malaysia & Win Contest!" and stand a chance to win Sony Ericsson W850i Handphone, wireless mouse and keyboard. This contest is hosted by exabytes web hosting company. What you need to do is just to register as a contestant and put a script on your website. … [Read more...]