I did make some investments in Public Mutual’s unit trust, therefore I’ll need an online account that make my investment easier. Applying a Public Mutual online account is pretty easy and the application approval and response from Public Mutual is pretty fast too. Currently you can only buy new unit trust and add additional investment to your existing unit trust via Public Mutual Online. I believe feature like switching funds and selling funds will be available soon in near future.
The first impression when I login for the first time is that the web design is pretty simple and neat. After using it for sometimes, I think Public Mutual Online website really need some improvement:
- Not browsers friendly – I use Firefox and Google Chrome most of the time. After I have login the website using Firefox and Google Chrome, most of the menus are not navigateable. I can only see the main page with these two browser. I can’t do anything else. So make sure you use Internet Explorer to when you want to login into Public Mutual Online.
- Too many pop-up – I have a bad experience on adding fund for the first time using Public Mutual Online. When I make an additional investment, it pop-ups a webpage that let me to login into my Public Bank account but my browser blocked it. I need to manually unblock the page. After I have made the payment at my Public Bank site and it redirect it the page to Public Mutual with another pop-up and my browser blocked again (due to different domain names). At the end, Public Mutual website says the transaction has been failed. I’m not dare to unblock the pop-up at this time because it might cause double transaction. At the end I have to send an email to Public Mutual to ask if the transaction has been successfully performed. Luckily it was successfully done.
- No detailed report – It only shows how much I have invested and total unit I have. It does know show how much your unit trust worth now.
Hopefully Public Mutual Online will get improved in near future.
i just curios about initial and additional investment,is it public bank users only can use the public mutual online?i wonder i dont have public bank account but do have some investment in their public mutual,so are there any alternate payment methods?
Hi, as far as I know, they only have PBeBank and MEPS FPX as their payment options. PBeBank is for Public bank users. I’m not sure how MEPS FPX works. Maybe you can contact their customer service to ask about the payment methods.