Do you use a lot Google in your daily life? Or you do not know what is Google at all? Google does take an important role in my life.
Besides the well know Google Search Engine ( I also use other products from Google for my works and also personal purpose.
I use Google search engine a lot for my works’ and personal’s research, check spelling, translate text from one language into another and to view certain website that has been offline (from Google’s cache).
Gmail is a free web-based email system from Google. I use gmail to send and receive emails to and from my friends, family, colleagues and clients. I also use Gmail on my mobile phone too.
Google Chrome is a free, secure and fast internet browser from Google. This is the primary web browser that I will use after Firefox, Safari and then Internet Explorer. The browser rarely crash. Even if it crash in one tab/plugin (e.g. flash), it won’t crash the whole browser.
Google reader is a place where you can keep track all the updates from your favorite websites or blogs. It is just like checking your email. I use Google reader to bookmark all the blogs that I would like to read so that I can read them all in one place. How convenience?
I use Google document to create word and excel document online. When I receive emails attached with documents (word, excel, powerpoint, pdf) from friends, instead of downloading the email attacments, most of the time, I use Google document to view them online.
I use Google Maps to find the direction of places and addresses. The maps for Malaysia is quite complete, clear and up-to-date.
Most of you may have already know Youtube. But some of you may not know YouTube was purchased by Google Inc In November 2006.
Google Code is a developer’s network, with APIs, open source projects, and a knowledge base. There are a lot of useful project that you can find in their database. One of the project I have started using is the GWT – Google Web Toolkit. GWT is a tool that allows developers to quickly build and maintain complex yet highly performant JavaScript front-end applications in the Java programming language.
I use Google Adsense to earn some pocket money :) If you have a blog or website with good traffics, you can use your website or blog with Google Adsense to help you earn some pocket money to :)
I use Google Analytics to keep track my websites’ statistic. I can easily know from how people find my websites, from where they come from and etc.
Feedburner helps to publish your websites to more reader using your websites’ feed. It distribute the content well beyond just visitors using browsers (such as desktop, web tv, mobile phone and etc).
I use Google Webmaster Central to keep track my websites’ crawling and indexing status. I can easily know which page on my site has problem to reach by visitor or search engine bot.
Google alerts helps update me the topic I interested on by sending me an alert email. For example, if I interested on “HTC Touch Diamond2 review”, Google will send me an email with links to the websites that have mentioned about “HTC Touch Diamond2 review”.
Are you google-ing too?
Google rocks….for educators. I am an environmental educator and I use it for 95% of my work, I love Google Docs!!