Finally I’m back!
I have just finished my 9 months Working Holiday at New Zealand and I’m now back to Malaysia. It was a great experience. I saw new things, met new friends, young and old, leanrt to be more independent and now came back with refreshing mind.
I won’t tell you the whole story here because it will take days or maybe weeks to write it down, ha ha. But my photo will tell you everything. You can browse my photo gallery at my flickr account: Beware!, there were around 10,000 of photos in my Working Holiday album!
To my friends who I met in New Zealand (no matter you are still in New Zealand or have already back to your own country), I would like to thank you being apart of my working holiday journey and I had learnt a lot of things and got inspiration from you guys. You guys are AWESOME! I hope we will have chance to meet again in future.
Welcome back!
welcome back
Thanks :)