I have just created a new theme for szehau.com as it is running in these site now. The is widget-able theme. I think I will be using this for my blogs in future. If you see a blog with theme similar to this one, it may be my blog :)
Summarily, the theme has the following features:
- optimized for search engines (hopefully).
- configurable Adsense codes at a separate PHP files so that you won’t need to modify each PHP file everytime you do an update to the Adsense code (e.g. change layout and channel).
- automated insertion of adsense code in the post. it detects the >!–more< code and replace it with Adsense code
- widget-able. you are allowed to add any widget to the sidebar from the administrative page
- a special page for Google Adsense search result
Actually the coding work is pretty simple. I just need to modify the default theme came with WordPress to apply my design. I hope my blog readers will find these theme is more pleasant to read :)
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