Just upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.0 few minutes ago withouth any problem. I have also developed a 3 column theme for it. It is now running on this blog.The theme still in testing phase. If everything is done, I will make it public :)
Note: Plug-in that do not work with WordPress 2.0 so far:
- Auto-TrackBack by Category
I will try to make my Default Trackback works more reliable later when I’m free.
Lovely theme :). Careful with the CSS blooper in the archive page, though.
your new theme looks good. I may just switch to yours instead of modifying my old theme :)
Glad to hear upgrading went well, also the new theme is looking good. I reckon when I upgrade things may not go quite so smoothly, we’ll see…
no problem after upgrade ?
my one seem like trackback having problem
i think there’s like an almost 24 hour delay w/o your fix! Either that or the blog owners had to manually moderate trackbacks…i’m not sure which one.
My Default Trackback is still working actually. I just want to make it better. I suspect the trackback function in WordPress 2.0 is not working because I did a manually trackback (type in the ping URL into the trackback field) to PPS for my posts but it fails.
same here too…my pings are not appearing on PPS earlier and I thought it was because i started korekk!!! and i’m now banned…
anyone can verify this?