雪‧狼‧湖 — 哲生的雪狼湖傳說
寧家,一戶漸趨沒�?�的富有人家,請來了新的花王,他的�??字�?�胡狼, 一個沉默寡言�?�?��?懂與人�?通�?��?�全心愛花惜花的人。陪伴他走�? 一個孤�?�步�?的,就是�?�種美麗的花朵和一隻精�?�的猴�?-直到他�?� 上了寧�?�雪。一次寧家的宴會,富家�?�?直為討寧家二�?�?寧�?�雪的 歡心,摘下狼栽的花相贈,其他賓客爭相仿傚,將狼的心血破壞。狼 為了護花與賓客起�?�?,最後被勢利的寧太太辭退;但狼愛花之情打 動了寧家兩�?�?�?-活潑美麗的雪和沉默內�?�的�?�?玉鳳。
雪性格樂觀,故�?主動接近狼,狼被雪深深�?�引著,亦首次打開自己 的內心世界,心中久�?�了的一份愛在一剎那盛開。�?�一時間,狼經常 造著�?�一個夢,夢中一個紅衣少女�?�著烈�?�的煎熬而掙扎,雖然少女 的�?�目很模糊,但已隱隱然�?著一種�?祥的�?感。
一夜,雪和狼看見�?星劃�?�夜空,兩人�?�出心中�?�想:雪願望有天能 夠�?為出色的�?�??�?�演�?家,而狼的願望是種出一種�?�以代表「愛�? 的花朵,他希望把這種花命�??為「寧�?�雪�?,雪的�?�魂深深被感動。
內�?�的�?�?玉鳳,常常傾�?�著雪訴出有關狼的一切,心中既羨慕亦為 自己的孤�?�而憂傷,唯有暗暗地將自己代入其中。
�?�一個晚上,雪與狼乘船出海,雪談到希望到維也�?一間湖畔的音樂 學院進修音樂,狼亦願相隨在湖邊栽種他的「寧�?�雪�?,兩人充滿憧 憬地稱那個湖為「雪狼湖�?。平�?�的海�?��?為了見證雪和狼的承諾而 翻起大風浪,在生死一線間二人緊緊相�?,真愛無懼世間一切風雨。
�?直為了�?得到雪,便用詭計欺騙狼,讓狼以為自己必須離開雪�?�?� 以令她幸�?。單純而�?動的狼在一個情人節嘉年�?�會中故�?放了一場 �?�,令自己鋃�?�入�?�,並寄望雪日後�?�以在別人懷抱中得到幸�?。猶 如晴天霹�?�的雪,更被�?直欺騙狼已死在�?�中。雪傷心欲絕,決定�?� 赴維也�?修讀音樂,後來在�?親慫�?�下與�?直�?了婚。
在黑�?�中,�?��?直賄賂的�?�警把狼盡情欺辱。�?�念俱�?�的狼在絕望中 �?�到�?�?狼仙,他�?了一些愛的種�?給狼,並�?�囑狼若以愛心栽種, 有天或許�?�以種出他的「寧�?�雪�?。
刑滿出�?�後,狼�?�見一個背影甚為相似的少女。少女沒有表露她就是 雪的�?�?玉鳳。原來狼入�?�後,她一直悉心照料狼的猴�?和所種的花, 狼感到生命在�?�憾中�?�帶著點點的希望。
在玉鳳的鼓勵和支�?下,狼�?新振作,在市集中�?�賣花維生。正當玉 鳳以為自己已�?�代替雪在狼心中�?置之時,�?�被�?親發�?�了兩人的交 往。狼此時�?知�?�玉鳳的身份,還有婚後的雪在維也�?�?志極為消沉, 幸�?和快樂�?曾在門�?經�?�。玉鳳感到很內疚,鼓勵狼到維也�?找雪。
平安夜,在一個露天廣場的演�?會中,狼終於找到雪。雪百感交集, 亦因為自己已為人婦的身份而�?敢�?��?狼,矛盾中拔足狂奔,消失在 人群中。翌晨,街上傳來�?�??�?�家寧�?�雪被殺而沉�?湖底的號外消�?�, 狼�?��?�後悲痛�?已。此時,�?狼仙被狼的悲鳴所感動而�?度出�?�,他 告訴狼�?�以利用「時間傷�?��?�?返�?�去�?見雪一�?�,但�?��?能改變已 發生的事實,並且若在時�?�?�去之�?�?返回�?�實,狼將會永�?��?�?�在 時間當中。狼心中暗忖,為了�?�?見雪,�?惜與天地一�??。
雪從廣場飛奔返家,質�?�?直所有事情的真相。在兩人激烈爭�?�之際, 狼從「時間傷�?��?趕至,在糾�?間�?直錯手開了一�?,�?彈�?進了雪 的胸�?�,�?直殺死了自己最心愛的人,瘋狂中�?�喚著雪的�??字逃去。
痛苦�?�分的狼,抱著死去的雪步入湖中。雖然「時間傷�?��?的時�?已 屆,狼決�?與雪永�?�在一起,漂�?在時間永�?�之中。
Source: http://www.e-jason.net/gigi&jacky/wolflake.html
Story Outline
In this romantic story of Snow.Wolf.Lake, Chan Chung Ling is Snow – the rich, beautiful, lively and kind- hearted girl who fell in love with her family’s gardener, Wolf (Jacky Cheung).Snow and Wolf first met each other at a party at Snow’s house, where Wolf, in trying to protect his precious flowers from being picked and destroyed by Snow’s suitor, Leung Jik (Michael Tse), broke into a fight with him. It was from this incident that Snow and Wolf fell in love with each other. Snow, because she was moved by Wolf’s down-to-earth character and his selfless action in trying to defend something as simple as flowers, and Wolf, by Snow’s beauty and because he had never met anyone as extraordinary as her.
Later on, Snow had the chance to visit Wolf’s home, and while the two were standing in the balcony of Wolf’s house (an old church), some shooting stars flew by. The two then talked (sang) about their ambitions, with Wolf saying he wanted to grow a type of flowers that could represent love, and Snow, saying that she hope to be able to create music (with her violin) so beautiful that it could represent love too. Snow then asked Wolf what he would name his flowers, and Wolf answered shyly, “Snow”. The two fell even deeper in love with each other.
While on another date, Snow told Wolf of her wish to pursue her violin studies in Vienna, and she urged Wolf to go with her. She also hoped to build a beautiful house by a lake. The two decided that they would name the lake as Snow.Wolf.Lake so that it would signify their love for each other.
All seemed to be going well for the lovers until the jealous Leung Jik came to know about the two’s secret relationship. In his attempt to break up the couple, he tricked Wolf into thinking that he (Wolf) would never be able to provide Snow with a good life and would only make her miserable if they stayed together. The simple Wolf fell for Leung Jik’s trap and deliberately set fire to a building so that he would be arrested, and therefore, Snow would leave him. To make it seem more convincing, Wolf even went as far as to tell Snow he did not love her anymore. Snow was devastated, and Leung Jik took the opportunity to persuade her to go to Vienna with him. The two (Snow and Wolf) were thus separated forever.
While in jail, Wolf suffered a lot. It was also while serving his time there that he learnt Snow had married Leung Jik. He was very heartbroken. He almost lost all will to live, until he met an old man (the Wolf Fairy). The wolf fairy encouraged him to be faithful with his love, and he gave Wolf some seeds which would later grow into ‘Snow’, the flowers he wanted to name after after his one and only love. When he was released, he met Yuk Fung (kit Chan). The latter had been in love with him all the while but he failed to notice this.
Yuk Fung hoped that she would be able to replace Snow in Wolf’s heart one day, but it was no use. Wolf could not forget Snow. Soon, he learnt Snow had married Leung Jik because she thought that he had died in prison. Since then, she had been living very unhappily.
Wolf decided to go to Vienna to look for Snow. They met at an open auditorium where Snow was performing. Snow ran away when she saw Wolf, and the two lost each other in the crowd. Towards the evening, it was announced in the news that Snow had been murdered by her husband , and her body was found lying at the bottom of a lake. Wolf felt that all hope was lost. Suddenly, the wolf fairy appeared again. Through the Time Slot, he assisted Wolf to travel backwards in time, to the scene where Snow would be murdered.
Wolf arrived to find Snow and Leung Jik in a heated argument. Snow had confronted Leung Jik about the lie he told her (about Wolf being killed). She wanted to leave him (Leung Jik) and in a fit of anger, he tried to kill her, saying that if he could not have her, he would not allow Wolf too. Wolf rescued Snow from Leung Jik, and while the two were trying to escape, Leung Jik aimed his shotgun at Wolf. At the last minute, Snow darted in front of Wolf and she was shot instead.
As Snow lay dying in Wolf’s arm, she said sorrowfully that she was sorry she did not keep her promise about waiting for him. At her deathbed, her last wish was to be able to remember their feelings for each other forever….
Source: http://www.nnadia.com/swl/story.html
More comments on Snow Wolf Lake.
I can’t read chinese le!!!