Just back from Bukit Jalil for the Snow Wolf Lake classic musical. I still can’t believe I have watch such a great show! What I can say about the show is they all are really great especially Jacky Cheung. I wish I can to go to the second show too.
Only a little bit regret.. I didn’t buy the good place. I need to turn my head to the right to watch the stage for 3 hours (I’m sitting at the right side of the stadium. It’s really tiring. Luckily, there is a 15 breaks at around 9.30pm. I should buy a better one. Probably RM490 or RM590 one.
Someone might think the ticket is too expensive. For me, I think it is worth the price :) Once you have watched and experienced the live classic musical of Snow Wolf Lake, you will think it is worth the price.
im so impressed after watching the ‘snow wolf lake’. i hav the same feeling as you, i should hav bought the rm690 seat. This is the best i ever watch. i will not forget. When he sing ‘ai shi yong heng’, it was so sweet till my tears come out. I cant believe that it was so NICE!!! The most unforgetful moment was when all the audiences stood up and applause for jacky… that is super impressive…i will never ever forget that night of ‘snow wolf lake’!
Ya, I love the song ‘ai shi yong heng’ too. It’s very touching. Another song that I have the strong feeling is the ‘zhi yao wei ni huo yi tian’ where when ‘lang’ want to go back to the past time to save her ‘sue’. That scene was realy amazing.
more comments at this post:
I watched the show on 26th, buying the RM390 ticket. Yup, should have bought the RM690 one, the fans ran to the front of the stage to shake hands with Jacky and take photos. If got chance. hope to watch it again. Jacky sing so well and I like “bao suet” the most. The CD is so nice that I listen it again and again.
Agree! The CD is so nice. I bought it a month before the musical is on. I bought it from internet for USD18.32 (about RM71) and the shipping fees is waived. The internet version and the one sold at the show is same, the differences are the price (RM80 in Malaysia) and the internet version free a DVD instead of VCD for Malaysia one.
After see all the good comment that you all given, really regret that i am not going …. :(
Hope the show will “public” again in Malaysia … Anywhere, thanks to sharing with me!!
Might as well post a comment.. since sze hau sent me this link. From the begining i felt that i shld have brought RM690.. better still get VVIP tickets… half way through.. wanted to go to get some VVIP seating.. Obviously, there are those who got the RM690 and RM590 did that.. Love the show so much… will treasure every single note they sing. Can tell that is it even better than any concert i watch or will watch…. WORTH the money..:D. will there ever produce VCD/DVD for sale?
Wah… so good ahh.. starting regret didnt go liao… T_T….
heyz,i got go the two days also….the sat got some technical problem,do u got feel it? when the guy wan to kill ”lang”,then the ”sue” die oredi…actually, the gun should got some fire and sound….the last very touching….all star come out….and all audien stand and give a big clap to them around 5minit…so touching and is a nice show….
Oh .. so good that you went twice.. I didn’t go for the second day
hihi…i’m from singapore…i watched snow.wolf.lake in singapore on 17sept2005…i really like this musical too…it was too great…everyone in the musical sang so well…actually i wanted to go malaysia n watch…but the tickets were too expensive…i could not afford it…haiz…that time i bought the second best seat…which is S$180…the most expensive tickets think is S$240…if i didnt remembered wrongly…we only had 4 different prices…compared to the malaysia’s best seat…you side really abit too expensive…think because the stadium is much more bigger…but whatsoever…the show is a great one no matter where is it performed…
I have missed the show as I am not in Malaysia, can anyone of you tell me where I can buy the DVD for the show? Please……
I don’t think there is a DVD for the show… Maybe you buy the Audio CD first lo :)
Yes, already asked a friend get for me in Hong Kong.
oh!!! you can get it? how? any website?
no lah, he will looking for it in Hong Kong or Guangzhou.
not sure he will find it or not, hopefully yes because that’s will be great as christmas gift to my friend who like Jacky Cheung very much!
oh.. then good luck to you. If your friend found it, let me know ya!
no problem!
Hi everyone, I impressed the show which I watched in in Bkt Jalil with my gf on 26th November 05. I’m quite like Jacky songs, and every time he came M’sia for concert I would never miss it and I alway phone and pre booking the ticket in the early of the morning of the first day of pre-sales.Jacky is the superstar and I think nobody or no one of the singer can sing so well and better than him. First time I went watch his concert in S’pore in yr 1999, 2nd time in M’sia Bkt Jalil yr 2002…this is the BEST CONCERT which I like the most and I got the first 8th row ticket in the middle. Do u all agree this is a great show? and the 3rd time is the musical show. Which, I love it so much. I’m waiting Jacky’s musical company will produce the DVD version of the Snow Wolf Lake. I believe it will be out soon maybe after Chinese New Yr 2006 ? Since he already finished 103th show in Beijing recently? Anyone if got any news, pls update. Thank You
I went to the CONCERT at Bukit Jalil year 2002 too, it’s really great. I should have bought the more expensive ticket because the echo at the place where I sat was too loud.
Not sure when the DVD version will be out.. or maybe not??? Anyway I have bought myself recently another version of Snow Wolf Lake CDs (mandarin). It contains 2 audio CD (the musical soundtracks) and another VCD. The VCD only contains 3 MTV – �?星下的願, 抱雪 and 愛是永�?�. There is an online version of �?星下的願 here – Snow Wolf Lake Video – but it is not really clear. The file is not uploaded by me, I found this video clip from youtube.com
Haiz…. I had look for that vcd or dvd version since 1997…. no news at all
if there a sales of snow wolf lake version mandarin nor cantonese i will grap it!!!
I’m looking till now for the DVD version also cannot find leh…
Hi everyone, I’m also looking for the DVD cantonese version for
Is anyone have idea where can I purchase it?